Blackjack has become a part of a renowned group within the internet wagering industry by aligning with the Global Wagering Honesty Alliance (GIHA). This development coincided with Blackjack, a subsidiary of Jack Corporation, commencing its sports wagering services in the Buckeye State under the Blackjack trademark.
The Buckeye State recently legalized sports wagering, and Blackjack secured the necessary authorization to conduct business there. As a GIHA member, Blackjack joins a coalition responsible for overseeing a substantial portion of legitimate global sports wagering – nearly 50%!
A senior executive at Blackjack, Adam Suliman, expressed enthusiasm about their presence in the Buckeye State and their anticipation of collaborating with GIHA to maintain fairness.
The GIHA director, Khalid Ali, welcomed Blackjack and emphasized the significance of upholding integrity in sports wagering, particularly in North America, a rapidly expanding market. He commended Blackjack for prioritizing integrity.
The Global Betting Integrity Body (IBIA), managed by wagering firms, aims to eradicate game manipulation and maintain moral principles within the international gaming sector. They collaborate to safeguard the industry’s standing and deter their constituents from participating in any dishonest activities.
Furthermore, the IBIA represents the betting sector’s perspective at significant policy forums, such as those convened by the UN and the European Union.